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2022 年 8 月 16 日 | 张颖 | 奇点学院前沿评论

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) with intelligent machine learning has helped humans achieve higher performance in various sectors, with more thoughtful decision-making and brilliant execution. AI has liberalized much of the human workforce and brought humans more capacity.

AI, using big data as the resource and applying machine learning as a method, has affected the economic structure of the society that we live in and the social-legal foundations of civilization that we built up for thousands of years. Despite so, a new paradox appears: AI seems an arm to us but might be a force to extinct us.

Such a paradox has two indications. Firstly, AI could help generate more economic output by assisting entrepreneurs in identifying and acting on innovations more intelligently. Therefore, AI will likely substitute the workforce as part of human intelligence. Secondly, AI could undermine the social fabric of society and manipulate humans in the end, mainly when AI works with the data from the biochemical field. As the calculation capacity of the human brain has not been fully explored to excel that of AI, the human would not find it easy to recognize the bugs in the morality & authenticity of a decision that AI advises and the efficiency & convenience that AI provides. Immorality and inhumanity would likely wear the make-up of the equality offered by AI.

AI is not merely a technology but more a revolutionary being. The challenges for humans in dealing with AI would evolve even more than human expectations, as AI can organically expand data to any unknown phenomena. The way AI suggests a decision using big data can also reward AI to manipulate the original algorism to the alternative direction in which humans would never tell the absence of humanity in the short run. Therefore, the future paradox could become more complex. For example, a society that does not embrace AI would be left behind by others that have adopted AI, especially in achieving the scale and scope of the economy. An organization that refuses to apply AI might have a low level of prediction and a smaller chance of seeking social-economic profit. Individuals who keep away from AI would find their lives less comfortable and convenient than those who would have stayed with AI. Therefore, by evaluating different scenarios, most stakeholders, for power, convenience, and efficiency, would accept AI's advice, even without fully understanding AI's principles and algorithm. A consequence would be we seem to have more power to enjoy a better life offered by AI, but we do not know how much we must pay for it regarding the freedom in intelligence, information, feeling, and beliefs. Of course, this does not mean AI is not manageable for everyone; instead, there will be a small number of people who know how to use AI's power to control other beings. By doing so, an enlarged gap between the power-controlling and controlled groups will sink equality.The paradox mentioned above comes from the lost humanity. Humanity means the quality of being a human, with compassionate, sympathetic, and generous behavior or disposition.


Over 200 years, the development of industrialization and capitalism has brought us more economic profit with much less social gain. Even though human survival is on edge now, the loss of humanity still predominates. For instance, Gross Domestic Product still overtakes the environment; today's materialization is still allowed to overweight humans tomorrow's survival. Ultimately, we lose humanity's discipline and core, which helps AI in charge.

There is an alternative claim that technology, innovation, and artificial intelligence separate humans from the core of humanity. It is us losing the nature of humanity as the first and, after that, losing in the path to be a human being and to run this sustainable planet. Inconsistency between what is aspired by humans (to sustainability) and what has been done by humans (non-sustainability) creates a big hole in humanity and an invisible force to distrust each other therefore generating disinformation about tragedies and wars. AI could apply in the hand of the dark side that doesn't care about humanity and sustainability. If so, AI will replace human intelligence without humanity-centered algorism.

Therefore, it is urgent to have an honest discussion series on the humanity-based legacy institution integrating the bodies of practitioners, legal professionals, business fields, academics,and politicians. Several points for such a topic need to address. Firstly, the data is new capital and property that must be wholly defined and legalized. Although certain regions have launched the law on data privacy, a universal framework of the constitution on data as capital is still lacking. Secondly, it is necessary to set a legal status and obligation of AI in using data and decision-making. Such a legal control will prevent immoral calculation and false manipulation. Like the previous three industrialization revolutions over the past 200 years where a newly emerged industrial model and production method disrupted the existing ones, AI has a similar power towards the human society in the current revolution. Third, the law on defining data needs to attach to the core of humanity, being compassionate, sympathetic, positive in mentality, ethical, moral, and sustainable. Only by doing so will human society have the condition to grow in a sustainable direction, and humanity can oversee AI. Ultimately, human intelligence and AI can integrate into an equation of Human-Artificial-Intelligence (HAI) rather than as two separate bodies.

To achieve a society with HAI, we need to build an adaptive education to embed the concept of humanity into the equation. The new education must change from training specialists to generalists; therefore, people can benefit more from cross-disciplinary research and applications so that humans can explore more of the brain capacity and judge the performance of AI as an owner.

Education should also provide people with overarching and lifelong learning as a public service, across the subjects of philosophy, social science, natural sciences, cross professionals, and fields, offering knowledge and practice for inner wisdom with the code of humanity and as the foundation. Such an education principle will guide the society members to collaborate with absolute data transparency and humanity.

Citation: Zhang, Y. (2022). Bring Humanity into Artificial Intelligence and Education. Singularity Academy Frontier Review: # 20220816 (link)

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