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日期:2024 年 10 月 31 日星期四

时间:12:45 - 14:15 CET






“人工智能前沿:社会、道德和我们的未来”是一场发人深省的网络研讨会,由 Singularity Academy 和 SwissCham Asia 主办,旨在探索人工智能在我们社会中的变革作用。本次活动将邀请来自领先科技和商业领域的杰出演讲者,他们将讨论人工智能的社会影响、道德考量和未来机遇。与来自彭博、Coupang、阿姆斯特丹自由大学和 AI Career Accelerator 的专家一起分享如何应对人工智能的挑战和潜力及其对创新和就业的影响的见解。





Singularity Academy 张颖教授





瑞士商会亚洲分会主席 Urs Lustenberger 博士



Jachin CHENG 先生,Coupang 产品管理总监,韩国首尔



Salama Belghali 女士,瑞士 AI Career Accelerator 创始人兼首席执行官



Alex de Vries 先生,荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学博士研究员














Jachin Cheng 担任韩国 Coupang 总监,负责产品管理。他在谷歌工作了 17 年多,直到 2024 年 5 月,在山景城、伦敦、苏黎世和新加坡工作,他在谷歌人工智能的最后一个职位专注于谷歌生态系统各个领域的人工智能产品。他的专长是制定和交付大规模人工智能和机器学习战略。 Jachin 还是一位风险投资人,主要投资于美国和亚洲的科技公司。他毕业于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,获得计算机科学学士学位,并拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院的工商管理硕士学位。


Salama Belghali 创立了 AI 职业加速器,帮助专业人士转型进入 AI 职业。她还创立了 Women in Web3 Switzerland,这是一个拥有 800 多名成员的非政府组织。Salama 拥有 20 年的金融产品和交易经验,其中一半担任领导职务,曾登上《福布斯》杂志,并被领英评为 AI 和区块链领域的顶级声音。她拥有 ENSIMAG 应用数学和计算机科学硕士学位以及华威大学金融数学硕士学位。2024 年,她在世界经济论坛期间在达沃斯发起了 Women in Web3 全球峰会。


Alex de Vries 是阿姆斯特丹自由大学环境研究所的博士研究员,也是 Digiconomist 的创始人,Digiconomist 是一家致力于揭露数字趋势意外后果的研究公司。他的研究重点是新兴技术对环境的影响,并在全球有关区块链技术和人工智能可持续性的讨论中发挥了重要作用。






Zhang Ying., Lustenberger Urs., Low Tuck Seng, Cheng Jachin, Belgali Salama, De Vries Alex, (2024). AI Frontier: Society, Ethics, and Our Future. Singularity Academy Frontier Review (ISSN: 2813-3641) # 20241118.




October 31, 2024 – Singularity Academy, in collaboration with SwissCham Asia, recently hosted an insightful webinar, “The AI Frontier: Society, Ethics, and Our Future.” The event brought together prominent experts to explore AI's rapid advancements and its impact on society, sustainability, and regulatory landscapes, offering a platform for open dialogue on AI’s transformative potential and its ethical implications.


Jachin Cheng, Product Management Director at Coupang, began the session with a comprehensive overview of AI’s journey—detailing its historical evolution, current applications, and anticipated future breakthroughs that promise to reshape industries and everyday life.


Salama Belghali, CEO of AI Career Accelerator, focused on how AI can empower individuals in their daily work. She highlighted the role of AI in making complex tools accessible to professionals, enhancing productivity and decision-making in various fields, and underscoring the transformative potential of AI when integrated thoughtfully into daily business practices.


Alex de Vries, PhD researcher at VU Amsterdam, raised crucial environmental considerations, discussing the sustainability challenges posed by AI’s growth. He advocated for responsible development to ensure that AI’s ecological footprint remains manageable and compatible with long-term environmental goals.


Dr. Urs Lustenberger, President of SwissCham Asia, discussed the need for thoughtful AI regulation, noting that the industry’s prevailing “more is better” approach contrasts with sustainability’s guiding principle of “less is better.” His perspective highlighted the importance of balanced regulations that support both innovation and ecological harmony.


Singularity Academy Fellow, Tuck Seng Low, expanded on the conversation by contrasting AI development scenarios in the Global North and South. Seng emphasized that empowering individuals and communities from the ground up might be a sustainable approach for nations to develop an AI framework suited to their unique needs. This bottom-up approach, he suggested, could foster a more adaptable and resilient AI ecosystem.


The session, moderated by Prof. Dr. Ying Zhang of Singularity Academy, concluded with a thought-provoking dialogue on the ethical boundaries of AI. She challenged the panelists to consider AI’s limits and potential societal dilemmas, prompting discussion on the appropriate boundaries AI should observe.


This Singularity Academy webinar emphasized the organization’s commitment to facilitating meaningful discourse on AI’s role in society and the shared responsibility of guiding its future to benefit communities worldwide.

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